Notes to a video lecture on
Problems on Mechanical Work
Problem A
An object of mass m is pushed up a plane inclined to horizon at angle φ with constant acceleration a to a height h against a friction with coefficient of kinetic friction μ.
(a) What is the amount of work necessary to achieve this goal?
(b) Consider the following real conditions of this experiment:
m = 10kg(kilograms)
g = 9.8m/sec²(meters per sec²)
h = 0.5m(meters)
φ = 30°(degrees)
μ = 0.2
a = 0.1m/sec²(meters per sec²)
The work W=F·S is measured in N·m=kg·m²/sec² units, called joule and abbreviated as J.
Calculate the work W performed in this experiments in joules.
Let F be the force that pushes the object up the slope, P=m·g is the object's weight, R is the force of resistance from the friction, S is the distance this object moves to reach the height h.
(a) F−P·sin(φ)−R = m·a
R = P·cos(φ)·μ
W = F·S
S = h/sin(φ)
F = P·sin(φ) + R + m·a =
= m·[g·sin(φ) + g·cos(φ)·μ + a]
W = F·h/sin(φ) =
W = 67J(joules)
Problem B
An object of mass m is pushed by a constant force F down a slope of a plane inclined to horizon at angle φ. Initially, it's at rest, the final speed is V. There is a friction with coefficient of kinetic friction μ.
(a) What is the time t from the beginning to the end of the object's motion?
(b) What is the distance S this object moved until reaching the final speed V?
(c) What is the amount of work W performed by this force?
(d) Consider the following real conditions of this experiment:
F = 20N(newtons)
m = 10kg(kilograms)
g = 9.8m/sec²(meters per sec²)
V = 0.5m/sec(meters per sec)
φ = 5°(degrees)
μ = 0.7
Calculate the work W performed in this experiments in joules, distance S and time t of motion.
P=m·g is the object's weight,
R = P·cos(φ)·μ is the force of resistance from the friction,
S is the distance this object moves to reach the speed V,
a is the acceleration of this object.
Then from the Newton's Second Law
F+P·sin(φ)−R = m·a
(we added P·sin(φ) because an object moves down a slope)
Now we can find an acceleration of our object:
F+m·g·sin(φ)−m·g·cos(φ)·μ =
= m·a
a = F/m + g·sin(φ) − g·cos(φ)·μ
Knowing acceleration a and the correspondence between acceleration, final speed and time V=a·t, we can determine time:
(a) t = V/a
Now we can find the distance
(b) S = a·t²/2 = V·t/2
The work performed by the force F equals to
(c) W = F·S
(d) a = 0.066(m/sec²)
t = 7.576(sec)
S = 1.894(m)
W = 37.879(joules))
Problem C
An object of mass m is dropped down from a certain height above a surface of some planet. At the moment it hits the ground its speed is V.
What is the work W performed by the force of gravity?
Let the acceleration of free falling on this planet is a, the time of falling t and the height S.
F = m·a
V = a·t
t = V/a
S = a·t²/2 = V²/(2·a)
W = F·S = m·V²/2
Notice, the work depends only on mass and final speed - the results of
action, not on the height, nor acceleration of free falling, nor on
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