Sunday, June 30, 2024

Algebra+ 08 - Fibonacci: UNIZOR.COM - Math+ & Problems - Algebra

Notes to a video lecture on

Algebra+ 08 - Fibonacci

We will use both terms average and mean interchangeably, but usually with proper qualification, like geometric mean or harmonic average.

Problem A

The Fibonacci sequence F(n) for integer n=0,1,2,3... is a sequence of numbers that starts with
F(0)=0, F(1)=1
and satisfies the rule for any integer n≥0:
F(n) + F(n+1) = F(n+2)
which results in
Derive formula for the Fibonacci sequence.

Hint A
Prove that if the following equation
Xn + Xn+1 = Xn+2
is true for n=0, it's true for any other positive integer n.

Solution A

Let's prove the statement in the Hint A above by using mathematical induction.
For n=0 it's assumed to be true.
Assume, it's true for some n, that is assume that
Xn + Xn+1 = Xn+2
is true for some n.
We have to prove that it's true for n+1, that is we have to prove that
Xn+1 + Xn+2 = Xn+3
Xn+1 + Xn+2 =
= X·(Xn + Xn+1) =
[use assumption for n] =
= X·Xn+2 = Xn+3

The formula
Xn + Xn+1 = Xn+2
looks very much like the definition for Fibonacci sequence
F(n) + F(n+1) = F(n+2)
But are there any X that satisfy the initial conditions for Fibonacci sequence
F(0)=0, F(1)=1?
If yes, the solution for a formula describing the sequence would be solved.

The answer is YES.
First of all, let's find value(s) of X for n=0, that is let's solve the equation
Xn + Xn+1 = Xn+2
for n=0.
X0 + X1 = X2 or
1 + X = X2 or
X2 − X − 1 = 0
It has two solutions
X1,2 = (1 ± √1+4)/2 =
= (1 ± √5)/2

Both of these values, if used in the expression
Xn + Xn+1 = Xn+2
transform it into identity for any natural n because they do it for n=0 and because we have proven above by induction that, if true for n=0, it's true for all natural n.

Let's check if a condition
F(n) + F(n+1) = F(n+2)
is satisfied for F1(n)=X1n and F2(n)=X2n.

For X1:
F1(n) = [(1+√5)/2]n
F1(n+1) = [(1+√5)/2]n+1
F1(n) + F1(n+1) =
[(1+√5)/2]n·[1+(1+√5)/2] =
[(1+√5)/2]n·[(3+√5)/2] =
[(1+√5)/2]n·[(6+2√5)/4] =
[(1+√5)/2]n·[(1+2√5+5)/4] =
[(1+√5)/2]n·[(1+√5)/2]2 =
[(1+√5)/2]n+2 = F1(n+2)
Similarly, the condition
F(n) + F(n+1) = F(n+2)
is satisfied for X2, we omit analogous calculations.

While the main condition of Fibonacci sequence, connecting any element with a sum of two preceding ones, is satisfied for both variants above, initial conditions for Fibonacci sequence
F(0)=1, F(1)=1
are not yet satisfied.

Notice that if
X1n + X1n+1 = X1n+2 and
X2n + X2n+1 = X2n+2 then
p·X1n+q·X2n +
+ p·X
1n+1+q·X2n+1 =
= p·X

for any p and q.
So, the obvious suggestion is to find such p and q that a function
F(n) = p·X1n+q·X2n
where X1=(1+√5)/2 and
X2=(1−√5)/2, would satisfy the initial condition as well as the formula connecting the next sequence value with a sum of two preceding ones.

Condition F(0)=0 gives
p·X10+q·X20 = 0
Any non-zero number raised to the power of 0 gives 1. So, this condition is equivalent to
p + q = 0
Condition F(1)=1 gives
p·X11+q·X21 = 1
Any non-zero number raised to the power of 1 is itself. So, this condition is
p·X11 + q·X21 = 1 or
p·(1+√5)/2 + q·(1−√5)/2 = 1

Now we have a system of two linear equations with two unknowns p and q.
From the first equation
q = −p
Substitute it to the second equation:
p·(1+√5)/2 − p·(1−√5)/2 = 1
from which follows
p = 1/√5 and
q = −1/√5

The final formula for Fibonacci sequence is, therefore,
F(n) = (1/√5[(1+√5)/2]n
− (1/√5

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